Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do Black Folk Blush?

I went to client intakes last night. The supervising attorney and another male student started a love, relationship, when you gone get married? conversation. And for some odd reason my love life, or lack thereof, became the hot topic.

“So when are you getting married?”

*blank stare*

(First of all, I think asking a single woman when she’s getting married should be on the Never Ask A Woman This Question, Unless You Want to Get Cursed the Fuck Out list...and it belongs right under “How old are you?” “When are you expecting?” and “How much do you weigh?”)

But I played it off, or so I thought…

The problem is, the supervising attorney knows Deondre (and if you don’t know Deondre, than be thankful you don’t…no, really…dude is like my Big and I’m his Carrie and literally it’ll be 10 years before we have a fairy tale wedding, or wait…didn’t Big leave her at the alter the first go around?)

I don’t know who characterized my “special un-named boo” as THE ONE but omg…how easily Pandora’s box is opened.

Both men started trying to decode THE ONE into a name. So I completely denied there even being a “special un-named boo” that one day will become THE ONE…huge mistake.

The supervising attorney took this denial as an admission and stated, “So there isn’t anyone in particular”.

(Notice I wrote stated…because that’s what dude did. He didn’t ask a question, because why ask a question you already know the answer to…asshole!)

I wanted to shout NO but I didn’t want to portray Deondre as unimportant, because the truth is I’m head over heels for this man. Like in love with. Like I’d marry and have children with. Like, I’d even put a baby on board sticker in the car just for him…

this is SERIOUS shit people!

Next thing I know, I’m allegedly blushing and fidgeting in my seat. Now, I swear I didn’t blush. The only hint of color upon my cheeks was Nars Taj Mahal, but Darling said she saw this glow appear upon my face that gave the “special un-named boo” away.

“It’s so obvious you like him. Like, love him. I never knew until tonight how much you care about him.”

So intakes ended, 9pm morphed into 2am and I found myself blushing and fidgeting underneath my sheets. I couldn’t stop thinking about Deondre and what we don’t have, what we have, and what I want us to have by 2011.

I have all these hopes and borderline expectations (which I know he can’t achieve short of a miracle). I want to be with this man, but I know its not our time because he's MARRIED.

Married to his job. Apparently the marriage is going well because he was recently promoted to felonies, not to mention dude leaves for JAG in October. His career timeline extends each year, and I don’t see a relationship in the near future.

I don’t think he can make time, more importantly, I don’t think he WANTS to make time for us until he’s settled in his career. Which means what?

After he’s stationed?

Or before he’s deployed in two years?

Or after he returns and renews his contract with the military?

Like really, when will it ever end. When will he ever stop and realize that what we don’t have, what we have, and what I want us to have by 2011 is the BEST thing he’ll ever stumble upon.

So I’ve made the declaration to stop talking to him. To let him do his thing, and I’ll do mine. That maybe after I study for the bar, take it, pass both NY and NJ…after he leaves for basic training, is stationed God knows where, is deployed to Iraq…we’ll meet up again and he’ll tell me that I’m THE ONE and I’ll finally have a reason to blush and fidget.


The Sailor Taylor said...

Wow, Girl. Wow.

Well, I identify with you and understand meeting that certain someone that just makes you go crazy and want to quit the single life for good!... But then reality sets in. And you know it's crazy for feeling that way, but that boy does that thing he does so well and you just can't help yourself:)

But here's the age old shit you just don't want to here: stay busy. He's busy doin' Him. You stay busy doin' You. And if it's meant to be, it will be. And if not, you will move on from him with a full life ahead of you. That's what happened to me:)

But, really, being with a military man is hard. It almost sucks, to be honest. Then you'd really be Carrie and Big. And this is coming from a navy brat and soon to be sailor..

Just work it out alone. All things will fall into their rightful place and you will Blush soon enough.


Francesca said...

I needed to hear this. You're right...dude is doin' him, so time to do ME.

Time will reveal all, but when?1? Patience is a virtue, but wow!

I'm not really excited about the military lifestyle considering I still have a mild distaste lingering from childhood.

But love is blinding, so we'll see.

The Sailor Taylor said...

Love ain that blinding! Hell! And why do women always have to hurry up and wait?? Why can't men hurry up and wait?? Patience disappears when Better comes along.. Hell, it disappears when Horny comes along too:)

I'm playin' Devil's advocate here. Oops.


Francesca said...

You right, it ain't that blinding. And patience is drifting away because your girl needs to get some good dick asap...shit at least some head!

You can play Devil's advocate all you want, I need to hear it all. When I get into my lovey dovey emotional mind frame, I appreciate another realist to flick me in the forehead and wake me the fuck up! lol