Saturday, October 11, 2008

The BG's

Awesome II called earlier today asking could we chill tonight.  Of course I told him it was cool, but then my stomach began to rumble and twist and I was reminded that earlier this morning I drank a large mug of Senna tea.

I told Lisa that I was probably going to spend the entire evening sitting on the toilet and not on dude’s face.  She laughed and suggested making it a movie night.  I laughed and told her dude was coming over to watch me ride his dick not a movie.

She disagreed but I know my past dealings with him have set a precedent for unattached good sex.  He can watch movies with Tuesday, but Friday and Saturday are for sex.

He called not to long ago.  I lied about needing to complete an assignment that was due tomorrow.  He understood and promised to call later this week.

Now that my option for sex has been replaced with the bubble guts and frequent sprints to the toilet, I am overwhelmingly horny.  The universe definitely wants me to be alone tonight.  Wouldn’t it be horrible if Deondre called and was like, “Tonight is the night”.  I’d die!  Just die!

So I’m in for the night and full of energy.  Guess I’ll be masturbating this evening.

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