Lisa read the last entry and was pissed at how abrupt it ended. So yes, dude came in my hair. I don't know what happened. He was fucking me from behind and next thing I know he Picasso'd my back and it hit me on the left side of my head.
There was semen in my ear.
Semen in my hair.
And semen on my pillow case.
It took everything in me not to flip. All I could do was screech at him to get the shit out of my hair.
He rushed for the baby wipes, cleaned me up, and ran his fingers through the front of my hair
"Something About Mary," he said and laughed. He attempted to replicate the Diaz jizz spike.
It didn't work.
We fucked for another hour and this time his cum remained in the reservoir tip.
Thank goodness I have a standing hair appointment every Saturday at 6am. When I woke up, the back of my head was matted. It didn't dawn on me until sitting at a red light that my hair was matted because of his dried semen.
I wanted to warn my hairdresser before she applied the perm but I figured what's the worse that could happen.
good for your face too
lol cum is good for my face? eww!!
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